Better Vision Audio Events and Lectures
Over the years, Better Vision has worked with vision and health experts to create audio events and lectures that are packed full of valuable information and insights about vision health. These topics include information about eye conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration, the role of diet and nutrition in vision health, thyroid issues, acupuncture and yoga, and much more!
Find the Audio Events and Lecture topics that are right for you:
These recorded events and lectures are available as digital downloads that you can access instantly!
What Your Glasses Reveal About You
A Mind/Body Understanding of Nearsightedness with Martin Sussman
There’s a mysterious connection between how you see and who you are. Nobody understands it exactly, but it’s been documented for more than 100 years. Learn how to use this connection to your advantage as you improve your vision. Discover more about your self, how to release the inner barriers to seeing, and how to change your eyesight in a total way.
Thyroid Home Self Test
Balance The Functioning Of This Vital Gland
According to many researchers, including eye doctor and nutritional expert Dr. Gary Price Todd, at least three eye diseases are associated with hypothyroidism (under-functioning thyroid): macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma. Along with the effect it has on the eyes, it can also contribute to many other physical ailments and diseases.
In our experience, virtually everyone with any of these conditions is hypothyroid and could potentially improve when the thyroid functioning is balanced. Prevention of further visual decline is possible and our experience is that people can also regain some degree of lost vision.
Detailed instructions will show you a simple way to check the functioning of your thyroid - in the privacy of your own home. Easy to follow and takes just a few minutes a day. Armed with this important information, you’ll be better able to not only talk with your doctor, but also do something good for yourself - and your vision.
About the Thyroid
An under-functioning thyroid gland can also produce these symptoms - (A deficiency of the nutrient in parentheses may also cause the same symptom. Mg is Magnesium; A is Vitamin A; and Q-10 is Co-Enzyme Q-10.):
- Lack of energy (Mg)
- Frequent headaches (Mg)
- Muscle cramps (Mg)
- Dry skin, hair, and eyes (A)
- Constipation (Mg)
- Numbness and loss of nerve function
- Loss of memory (Mg)
- All cardio-vascular diseases
including elevated cholesterol mitral valve prolapse (Mg, Q-10) - Depression (Mg)
- Cold hands or feet or intolerance to cold
- Frequent infections
(especially upper respiratory, sinusitis, and eye) (A) - Loss of color vision (A)
- Hypoglycemia
- Slow or weak pulse
- Low tension glaucoma
- Macular degeneration
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Hypo- or hyper-tension
- Menstrual problems
The 10 Keys to Better Vision
Daily Habits for Better Eyesight with Martin Sussman
Practicing vision improvement exercises for 15 or 20 minute periods is immensely helpful, but how are you using your eyes throughout the rest of your day? Learn how to use your eyes properly during the rest of each day and you’ll be surprised at how much better you see.
You use your eyes every minute that you’re awake. How you treat your eyes and the awareness you bring to them are crucial factors in improving your vision. In this lecture with Martin Sussman you’ll learn the essential techniques to care for and protect your vision to make it as sharp and as healthy as it can be.
Topics Covered
- The underlying causes of poor vision
- The Top 10 Habits for Better Vision
- 5 myths that stop people from seeing better
- Why eye exercises are not enough to improve vision
- The mind/body connection and how it affects your eyesight
- How stress affects your eyesight
Acupuncture Could Save Your Eyesight!
An Interview with Martin Sussman and Dr. Andy Rosenfarb
Dr. Andy Rosenfarb is the “go-to” doctor when it comes to treating eye conditions naturally and holistically. Leading research institutions are studying his effective methods.
Now you can start to put it all to work on your eyes. There’s real hope and effective alternatives to deteriorating vision and failing eyesight, drugs with nasty side effects, and surgeries that don’t really help.
Dr. Rosenfarb is one of only six practitioners in the world performing a new procedure for macular degeneration. That’s why, if you or someone you love and care about suffers from macular degeneration, cataracts, or other eye problems, we urge you to get this in-depth Special Report and all the bonus materials.
Not only will you find out more about this new procedure, but you also learn practical steps you can take - starting right now - to bring more health to your eyes and fight off failing vision. Dr. Rosenfarb was recently invited on the Dr. Oz show to talk about simple, effective ways to maintain our eye health as we age. You can find more on Dr. Rosenfarb HERE>
About Dr. Andy Rosenfarb

Dr. Andy Rosenfarb
Dr. Andy Rosenfarb is the author of two groundbreaking books, Healing Your Eyes with Chinese Medicine, written for people like you and me, and Ophthalmology in Chinese Medicine, written for the eye care professional. Dr. Rosenfarb is on the leading-edge of natural, drug-free treatments for eye diseases. There’s so much you’ll learn and be able to put into use for your own vision - whether or not you ever visit an acupuncturist!
Martin Sussman interviewed Dr. Andy Rosenfarb about everything he does to help save and improve eyesight. There was so much material to cover that one interview wasn’t enough.
So they got together again and spent another 90 minutes covering EVERYTHING they didn’t get to the first time! The result?
Actionable and valuable advice that you can start using today.
Information to help you understand how these eye problems begin and how to correct the underlying, root causes.
Realistic hope and practical steps so you won’t have to face a future of declining vision.
Your vision is too precious, and this information is too valuable, to keep it out of your hands. That’s why The Cambridge Institute doesn’t charge too high of a price for this audio event. Plus you’re absolutely protected by the Unconditional Guarantee from the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision.
The Role of Nutrition in Cataracts
With Pioneering Nutritional Ophthalmologist Dr. Gary Price Todd
Listen to pioneering nutritional ophthalmologist Dr. Gary Price Todd tell you how to fight cataracts.
His results defy conventional thinking - he discovered how the right combination of nutrients can prevent, stabilize and even reverse and eliminate cataracts.
His results speak for themselves: In a 1-year study conducted by Dr. Todd, 43% of people showed improvement in their cataracts and the other 57% stabilized. All results held up in a follow-up study after 5 years. In every case, cataract surgery was avoided.
More About Dr. Gary Price Todd
Dr. Gary Price Todd treated eye diseases using the alternative and natural therapies that he spent years perfecting. According to Dr. Todd, “Healing is a natural part of life and can be accomplished by working with the natural order, not against it.”
Dr Gary Price Todd, M.D. was an ophthalmologist who not only helped people see better, but also helped them to get healthier. Dr. Todd was so far ahead of his time that he was warning about the dangers of trans-fats more than 35 years ago!
When other eye doctors were saying the only answer for cataracts was surgery, Dr. Todd was helping his patients restore lost vision. Dr. Todd firmly believed that the health of the eyes and the health of the body were one and the same. That’s why he was among the first doctors to develop a comprehensive and balanced vitamin, mineral and anti-oxidant formula to help his patients see better, feel better and get better.
Dr. Todd graduated from Bowman Gray School of Medicine at Wake Forest University. As a Naval officer he served as Director of Hyperbaric Research at Groton, CT, was Chief of Ophthalmology for the American community in Japan, and after military service practiced ophthalmology in Waynesville, N.C.
He is the holder of two patents and also author of Nutrition, Health and Disease, The Eternal Triangle, and Eye Talk and Acquiring Optimal Health. Though Dr. Todd passed away in 1998 his answers still live on to help the eyes of thousands of people.
The Role of Nutrition in Macular Degeneration
With Pioneering Nutritional Ophthalmologist Dr. Gary Price Todd
Dr. Gary Price Todd addresses the underlying problems that are factors in macular degeneration. Find out what he recommends to get results like his: Over a 2-year period 88% of Dr. Todd’s patients improved their vision significantly. You can turn macular de-generation into macular RE-generation. Let pioneering nutritional ophthalmologist Dr. Gary Price Todd show you how to keep your vision from declining any further, stablize it, and in many cases, regain some of the sight you may have lost.
His results speak for themselves: 88% of Dr. Todd’s patients improved vision significantly over a 2-year period. Dr. Todd outlines the essential vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants and reveals the underlying problem to address for treatment to be effective.
More About Dr. Gary Price Todd
Dr. Gary Price Todd treated eye diseases using the alternative and natural therapies that he spent years perfecting. According to Dr. Todd, “Healing is a natural part of life and can be accomplished by working with the natural order, not against it.”
Dr Gary Price Todd, M.D. was an ophthalmologist who not only helped people see better, but also helped them to get healthier. Dr. Todd was so far ahead of his time that he was warning about the dangers of trans-fats more than 35 years ago!
When other eye doctors were saying the only answer for cataracts was surgery, Dr. Todd was helping his patients restore lost vision. Dr. Todd firmly believed that the health of the eyes and the health of the body were one and the same. That’s why he was among the first doctors to develop a comprehensive and balanced vitamin, mineral and anti-oxidant formula to help his patients see better, feel better and get better.
Dr. Todd graduated from Bowman Gray School of Medicine at Wake Forest University. As a Naval officer he served as Director of Hyperbaric Research at Groton, CT, was Chief of Ophthalmology for the American community in Japan, and after military service practiced ophthalmology in Waynesville, N.C.
He is the holder of two patents and also author of Nutrition, Health and Disease, The Eternal Triangle, and Eye Talk and Acquiring Optimal Health. Though Dr. Todd passed away in 1998 his answers still live on to help the eyes of thousands of people.
The Secrets Behind The Program for Better Vision (COMPANION: The Program for Better Vision)
with Martin Sussman
In this 3-part lecture series developer Martin Sussman takes you “under-the-hood” of The Program for Better Vision so that you deepen your understanding of its more than two dozen techniques, exercises and processes. Understand the hows and whys of The Program so you’ll be in the right frame of mind and have the right understanding to make using The Program even more effective.
The result? You learn how to get more impact from practicing and you learn how to adapt The Program for Better Vision to your individual eye situation.
Every one of the 6 Vision Sessions is reviewed and the “insider information” revealed makes using The Program a more effective experience.
Highlights Include:
- How to adapt specific techniques for specific problems (like astigmatism or eye imbalances, for example)
- What to do during the day to accelerate your vision improvement
- When it’s appropriate to practice techniques by themselves or for longer periods
- The fundamental purpose of the Visualizations - and why they’re so important to your improvement
- What it means to “broaden your vision” - and how to use this concept to get more success with the Fusion String Technique
- And much, much more!
Inside The ADVANCED Program for Better Vision (PREREQUISITE: The ADVANCED Program for Better Vision)
Enrich Your Experience and Understanding
This information comes from a 3-part lecture Martin Sussman delivered to a group of people who had just started using the ADVANCED Program for Better Vision about the underlying principles and ideas behind its techniques and processes. Now, everyone using the ADVANCED Program has a way to get the most out of it, right from the start.
Topics Covered Include:
Part 1: Looks into the finer details and important points of the Eye Workout, Parts I and II.
Part 2: Discusses the Visual & Muscular Flexibility technique. We start with a visualization to ground the technique deeper into your understanding. Other topics included: variations on the basic technique, new ways to balance eye differences and why crossing the mid-line and cross-palming are important.
Part 3: Covers the visualization Letting Go of Visual Tension and the process of using Affirmations to heal vision. Topics covered include: How the image of a bicycle wheel helps you understand how the eyes focus; what happens when you imagine seeing in your Mind’s Eye; what Vision Affirmations are - and what they are not; 3 ways to use Affirmations; and more about the deeper impact that eye improvement has on multiple levels of awareness.
The Story Behind The Read Without Glasses Method (COMPANION: The Read Without Glasses Method)
with Dr. Ray Gottlieb and Martin Sussman
Listen to Dr. Ray Gottlieb, developer of the Read Without Glasses Method explain: Why Age doesn’t control your eyesight; How he developed the Method; What extras the doctor learned when he tested the Method on his first patient; and more.
This Audio CD is the perfect introduction to the Read Without Glasses Method for you, your friends, your family - even your eye doctor. And, if you’re already using the Method, listen to this Audio to understand more about how it works.
Dr. Ray Gottlieb talks to a live audience about how he developed his revolutionary Read Without Glasses Method. In an engaging 80-minute conversation, Dr. Gottlieb also tells you:
- Why age doesn’t control your eyesight
- The critical factors that influence declining focus
- The 150 year-old science behind the Method
- The patient who started him thinking
- Why the method works like magic, yet is based on science
- Extra training tips for those already using the Method
More About Dr. Ray Gottlieb
Certified behavioral optometrist Ray Gottlieb, O.D., Ph.D., FCOVD, FCSO, graduated with highest honors from the University of California at Berkeley, School of Optometry (1964), and earned a Ph.D. in humanistic psychology at the Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center in San Francisco (1978). His Ph.D. dissertation covered neurological and psychological aspects of nearsighteness improvement.
He was on the clinical faculty at the Optometry School at UC-Berkeley and a professor of optometry at the University of Houston College of Optometry (1965-68), on the learning skills development faculty at Santa Rosa Community College and on the faculty of the Sonoma State Mental Hospital in Sonoma, CA. Currently, he is the Dean of the College of Syntonic Optometry (since 1979), on the piano faculty of the summer music program at the Chautauqua Institution in Chautauqua, NY (training visual, attention and coordination skills of piano students to enhance their music learning ability) and is a Senior Clinical Associate in the Dept. of Ophthalmology at the University of Rochester.
Dr. Gottlieb has published articles on myopia, presbyopia, syntonics (color) therapy, behavioral optometry, brain trauma, education, and brain theory (the phase-conjugate, optical brain) and has written two books: Attention and Memory Training for Children and The Fundamentals of Flow in Learning Music (with Rebecca Penneys, professor of piano at the Eastman School of Music).
In the early 1970s he eliminated his myopia using natural vision improvement exercises and then began teaching classes and workshops on this approach and opened a vision therapy practice near Santa Rosa, CA (1972-1981) and in San Francisco (1976-77) at the Center for Developing Conscious Vision (with Meir Schneider). In 1981, in Santa Monica, CA, he started the Eye Gym, a gymnasium where members could workout to improve vision, coordination, attention and memory. He was research director for the Brain/Mind Bulletin, an international newsletter about brain research, creativity, education and human health and potential (1983-1991).
There may be more than one product that could help your vision condition. Please see the VISION CONDITIONS for more information about vision and recommendations about which product to use.
Developing cataracts is not a sign of aging but a message that your visual system and your body are out of balance...
Macular Degeneration is widely recognized as one of the more nutritionally responsive conditions...
Presbyopia is the gradual loss of your eyes' ability to focus on nearby objects. It's a natural part of aging...
Here you will find all of the products that we offer for nearsightedness, astigmatism and more...
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