Take back your eyesight.


   Thousands of people are

seeing better today.

 without lenses, medication, or surgery.


Become one of them.

Improve your eyesight with the Program for Better Vision

Everyone knows that exercise and relaxation are an important part of keeping their hearts healthy and their muscles strong. However, not everyone is aware that exercise and relaxation can benefit their eyes as well.

The Program for Better Vision is an audio course that will help you develop your natural ability to see.

The Program for Better Vision is the world’s #1 best selling vision improvement program for good reason. The Program combines muscle-control techniques, brain/eye coordination, perceptual training and body, mind, and eye relaxation into one easy-to-use method. The eye exercises and other techniques in the Program can help you train your eyes to focus better and more easily and reduce eye strain.

The Program for Better Vision takes you beyond eye exercises alone because your eyes are affected by much more than just eye muscles. With this total mind/body approach, you exercise your eyes, re-train the brain, and release stress and tension affecting your vision in a way that you won’t find anywhere else.

Follow along with the audios as they guide you effortlessly through each Vision Session. Learn about everything that influences your eyesight. Get the training materials and support you need to succeed. It’s all in The Program for Better Vision - and it only takes 20 minutes a day!

How the Program Works

The Program for Better Vision was expertly designed to walk you through a schedule of daily practices to improve your eyesight, without glasses, contacts, drugs, or surgery.

In 20 minutes a day you will create new visual habits and enhance brain-eye coordination to help each part of your eye function correctly.

You’ll learn exercises and other techniques to help you develop critical visual skills such as accommodation, convergence, binocularity, peripheral awareness and brain/eye coordination.

A holistic approach

The Program also focuses on the connection between the eyes, body, mind, and emotion, using an integrated understanding of health to set you on your path to better vision.

Our holistic model of vision includes three components. Physical eyesight, which is the easiest to measure, though it involves more than just 20/20 vision. Inner vision, which is the Mind’s Eye in all its different aspects: imagination, visualization, memory, dreams, and attitudes. Emotional seeing, which speaks about our recognition of the eyes as both a way to express how we feel and a way to connect to other people.

Isn’t bad eyesight caused by the shape of the eye?

Sure, that’s one common belief, but in fact it’s a misconception. This limited view of vision says that if the eye is too long it causes nearsightedness; if it’s too short it causes farsightedness; and if it’s distorted, that causes astigmatism.

 But the shape of the eye is only one element of the entire visual system, and is not the only one that determines how clearly you see. Besides, has anyone asked how the eye becomes the wrong shape? The main thing to understand is that the shape and function of the eyes aren’t frozen. 
If you were told that exercises and training could change the shape of your nose, that would be nonsense. But if you were told that it’s possible to change your waistline, that makes sense. Your eyes are more like your waistline than your nose!

“I have looked over and purchased several different programs and yours is by far the best, most knowledgeable and most comprehensive.”

–Marianne Carduner, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

The Program for Better Vision
–Marianne Carduner, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

“Before I started The Program, I wore my glasses 14-15 hours every single day. I passed my driver’s test without them only five weeks after starting The Program. Now, I never need glasses at all. I feel much more confident and free. It’s a great Program!”

–Donna Sanders, Havre, MT

The Program for Better Vision
–Donna Sanders, Havre, MT

“I now know the muscles of my eyes as well as the fingers of my hand. I am 85 years old and can focus very well and read for a long time without fatigue. Using The Program for Better Vision, I am recovered from amblyopia and astigmatism.”

–Aldo Mortera, Boulogne, France

The Program for Better Vision
–Aldo Mortera, Boulogne, France

“Since completing The Program, I enjoy much more color, depth perception, and delineation of patterns. I just finished my first book without glasses and without undue effort. I read on a sun deck outside – my family was very impressed.”

–Mardelle McClure, Lake Jackson, TX

The Program for Better Vision
–Mardelle McClure, Lake Jackson, TX

“The relaxation and visualization techniques [of The Program] enhance the physical flexibility exercises and lead to re-learning how to use the eyes the way that they were meant to be used. I am going to recommend you to my patients.”

–Dr. Marcel Gingras, Optometrist, Montreal Quebec

The Program for Better Vision
–Dr. Marcel Gingras, Optometrist, Montreal Quebec

“In the last 15 years, I have examined many patients who have used the Cambridge Institute’s Program for Better Vision. For any person interested in improving their vision, this Program is a must to try.”

–Dr. Richard Kavner, F.A.A.O., New York City, NY

The Program for Better Vision
–Dr. Richard Kavner, F.A.A.O., New York City, NY
The Program for Better Vision
<a name="unique-identifier"></a>

Order the Program for Better Vision today!

You will receive: Six vision sessions (Mp3 downloads), an 80 page program guide, an 8-week training schedule, a fusion string and eye charts.

Complete product details below.

1. Fusion String Technique: Develops Binocularity and Convergence, teaching your eyes to work together and to see equally.
2. Mind’s Eye Visualization: Increases your ability to visualize, encouraging the mind’s role in restoring vision.
3. Self-Massage Techniques: Relieves tension of the upper body, particularly your shoulders, head, neck and eyes.
4. Spectrum Visualization: Releases deep tension in your entire visual system.
5. Vision Chart Techniques: Increases focusing power and sharpens Peripheral Awareness and Mental Concentration.
6. Memory Visualization: Helps you release the limiting images, memories and attitudes that may block clear vision.
PROGRAM GUIDE AND SCHEDULE: The Program Guide leads you step by step, explaining how and why each exercise works. Filled with photographs, illustrations and diagrams, the 80-page Guide also includes more information that will help you see better, including how to use glasses/contacts while on The Program and how to gauge your improvement.
8-WEEK TRAINING ROUTINE: Proceed with confidence as you easily follow the schedule knowing that you are doing the right thing for your eyes. The schedule outlines exactly what you do each day and gives you a way to record your progress.
FUSION STRING: Consisting of 10 evenly-spaced beads, the Fusion String develops Binocularity (the mind and the eyes working together) and Convergence (both eyes looking at the same point at the same time).
2 VISION CHARTS: Two special charts, for both nearsighted and farsighted users, with special notes for those with astigmatism.
LIFETIME SUPPORT: Questions about using The Program? Call or email and we’ll be glad to help. You may never need to - The Program is so easy to use - but our staff is on hand if you need us.

Our Customer Success Stories 

The best she’s seen:
“I have looked over and purchased several different programs and yours is by far the best, most knowledgeable and most comprehensive.”

Marianne Carduner, Ft. Lauderdale FL

Passes driver’s test in only five weeks:
“Before I started The Program I wore my glasses 14-15 hours every single day. I passed my driver’s test without them only five weeks after starting The Program. Now, I never need glasses at all. I feel much more confident and free. It’s a great Program!”

Donna Sanders, Havre MT

73 years young and seeing better:
“I am 73 years old and have been wearing glasses since I was 27 - almost 50 years. I’ve been using The Program for just eight weeks now and already I notice improvement! I can see road signs more easily as well as smaller print on the TV. My peripheral vision is better and colors seem more vibrant and clear. I’m very excited - practice really brings results. The Program makes it easy to get improvement.”

Horace Kirk, Ceres CA

Passes driver’s test, reads without glasses:
“At 55 years of age, I passed my driver’s test without glasses for the first time in 35 years. I no longer need glasses for reading, either. All this in about 6 to 9 months.”

Albert Rioux, Jr., Manchester NH
Distance vision is better now:
“I was nearsighted and started wearing glasses when I was 17 years old. After using The Program for Better Vision I can see - without glasses - in the distance much clearer than I every could before.
“When I wake up in the morning my eyesight is crystal clear. It fades a little as the day goes on, but I feel that I have already crossed a major hurdle towards clearer vision. I know that I am in control of my eyesight and I plan on continuing with The Program.”
Jeffrey White, Vernon CT
Trifocals are weaker by more than 50%:
“My trifocal prescription was plus 2.25 when I started; now I read much of the time with no glasses, and when I use corrective lenses they are usually plus 1.0. If the light is poor I use plus 1.5. I wore my glasses all the waking hours before, but now only when I read and much of the time not even then. I plan to continue the program until I am completely free of corrective lenses.”
Gerald N. Cox, Rapid City SD
Coke-bottle glasses almost completely gone:
“I started wearing glasses when I was 7 or 8 years old and my vision kept deteriorating until I was very nearsighted and wearing coke-bottle glasses. (My prescription was -6.00.) Eye doctors had given up on my vision. One year ago I started using The Program for Better Vision and now I have flashes of perfectly clear vision at times! My current vision without eyeglasses is consistently 20/60 or better. My eye doctor is absolutely astonished and amazed at my improvement. All the exercises have been helpful, particularly the affirmations, and I know I can have absolutely perfect eyesight very soon.”
Frances Sgarlatti, Edgewater CO
Astigmatism disappears, nearsightedness improves:
“Even though I haven’t been consistent in using The Program for Better Vision, I went back to my eye doctor and he told me that my astigmatism has completely disappeared and that my nearsightedness has improved too! Now, I only use my glasses for distance and for a driver’s license restriction, and my eye doctor states that I am very close to getting the restriction removed. I’m so excited about my results that I plan on using The Program more regularly.”
Tronnie Brassfield, Plano TX
85-year-old reverses amblyopia and astigmatism:
“I now know the muscles of my eyes as well as the fingers of my hand. I am 85 years old and can focus very well and read for a long time without fatigue. Using The Program for Better Vision, I am recovered from amblyopia and astigmatism.”
Aldo Mortera, Boulogne France
Has lower prescription:
“I saw dramatic results. I went down to a lower prescription, which I had been using six years ago. I used to feel a desperation about my vision. Now I feel hope I had never dreamed of. My vision is more relaxed and images are sharper and clearer.”
Carlos Escajeda, Fabens TX
More relaxed and more conscious, and aware:
“I like how my eyes feel softer and more relaxed. I am more conscious of relaxing my eyes and my mental state. This is a valuable observation. The Program is comprehensive and well thought out. I’d recommend it!”
Adrian Palmer, Salt Lake City UT
Helps vision by releasing traumatic memories:
“Thanks to your program, my eye muscles, focusing ability, eye coordination, memory, and ability to visualize have been strengthened.
“Due to my strengthened ability to visualize, I had some very strong dreams. These dreams were very important because they revealed to me some events that happened early in my childhood. Due to the traumatic nature of those events, I, without knowing, blocked them from my memory.
“In addition, I’m more relaxed, and my ability to see better has improved greatly. My eye doctor tested my vision and it has improved by 25% in just two months.”
D.W., Atlantic City NJ
Reduces use of glasses, holds reading material further away:
“When I first started The Program, I wore my glasses all the time. After the first 8 weeks, I was able to reduce my wearing time to 8 hours a day.
“My vision is improving and my eyes feel so much better. I can now hold the reading material farther away and still see clearly. I feel that if my improvement so far is any indication, I have every reason to continue The Program.”
Nita Gause, San Diego CA

Was 20/200, now has clear flashes:
“My eyesight was about 20/200 when I started The Program. Now my vision is much more relaxed and there are many times that I am seeing almost perfectly.”

Lenaye Seigel, Chicago IL
Impresses family with changes:
“Since completing The Program, I enjoy much more color, depth perception, and delineation of patterns. I just finished my first book without glasses and without undue effort. I read on a sun deck outside - my family was very impressed.”
Mardelle McClure, Lake Jackson TX
Stimulates mind, improves attitudes:
“I have experienced major improvement in my visual attitude. The Program stimulates the mind, which is the key to everything, not just clear vision. I was impressed with The Program and with the people I spoke to at the Institute.”
Lawrence Merkler, Morrisville PA
Grateful for deep healing of painful memories:
“I was pleasantly surprised and very grateful for the depth and scope of this program. Especially the healing techniques involved, even to the healing of memories. Now I can see more clearly for longer periods of time with less strain. I intend to never, never wear glasses again.”
Michele Largey, Waltham MA
Headaches, tension and glasses gone:
“I don’t use glasses anymore. My headaches are gone, and I’ve learned how to keep tension away from my eyes and to control my body with my mind. Your program is organized well and is very effective.”
Michael Brandau, Baltimore MD
Can relax eye muscles at will:
“The Vision Sessions made me feel surprisingly relaxed. I realize it when my eye muscles are tense, and now I know how to relax them. All aspects of The Program for Better Vision are excellent.”
Vesta Andrews, Red Bluff CA
Passes driver’s test without glasses:
“Your EYECLASSES seminar, combined with The Program for Better Vision, did me a lot of good. I have not worn glasses for some time, and recently passed the examination for driving in New York without glasses.”
Donald Drake, Niagara Falls NY
Needs glasses less than before:
“When I first started The Program, I wore my glasses all the time. After the first 8 weeks, I was able to experience periods of clear vision and reduce my wearing time to 5 hours a day. Thank you again - this program is a precious stepping stone for me in my rise to clearer vision.”
Claire Morneau, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA
Uses weaker prescription:
“I’ve worn glasses since age 7. So at first I was frustrated without wearing them, but now I enjoy not wearing glasses. The Program showed me how much more beautiful we all can be and see without glasses. It did help me to get 20/40 glasses, and I’m sure that using weaker lenses had something to do with my success.”
Richard Hamre, Basel, Switzerland
Passes driver’s test without glasses:
“I don’t need glasses anymore. I passed my driver’s test without them after only four months!”
Carolyn Zelenka, Topsfield MA
Eyes feel better every week:
“It’s hard to believe, but I used to wake up in the morning with tired, tense eyes. Now my eyes feel better every week. I have some tools and techniques to take charge of my vision, and I don’t have to passively accept limitations on my eyesight.”
Robert Coddington, Eugene OR
Skips exercises, vision improves 100%:
“One year after taking off my glasses (except for driving and movies) I was re-examined by my eye doctor. My vision improved 100% and I wasn’t even regular with the exercises.”
Harriet Russell, Lenox MA
Sees everything better:
“After using The Program, I notice more clarity, more contrast, more depth and brighter colors, as well as more expression in my eyes. I see everything better.”
Evelyn Baril, Sheridan WY
Ophthalmologist astounded:
“The ophthalmologist couldn’t believe what a change I had made in my vision!”
Kate Mullaney, Rochester NY
Wears half as strong glasses:
“My current glasses are almost half as strong as my older pair.”
L. Dirksen, Pacific Grove CA
Has metaphysical experience:
“I was amazed to discover that my brain can command my eyes to focus. One of the sessions is a beautiful metaphysical experience for me. I find the exercises bring me new answers and insight every time I do them. Thank you for your program and all it has meant to me.”
Stephanie Collins, Las Vegas NV
Has perfect vision now:
“I went from wearing glasses all the time to tested 20/20 vision.”
Pat Boll, Hartford CT
Dramatic improvement:
“I have been wearing glasses/contacts for over 40 years and wanted to let you know how much my eyes have improved since I have been using your program. My right eye went from -3.75 to -1.75 and my left eye went from -2.50 to -.50.
The exercises are easy enough - I have the beaded line in my bathroom so I can use it almost every morning. The book that came with the system is close at hand which reminds me which exercises I need to do.
Glad I can share with others - follow the instructions because they work! Thanks so much!”
Marilyn Schroeter, Morton IL
Passes driver’s test:
“I started losing vision while studying in London, England in 1972. After years of studying, postgraduate studies and eye ware at libraries and microscopes, I had to start using glasses but always practiced to pass the driving tests without glasses successfully. At age 66, last year, I had to renew my driver´s license and I just knew it was going to be impossible this time. However, I tried the Program for Better Visionduring 3 months and pass the test successfully. My driver´s license was renewed for the next 5 years and I am looking forward to pass the test in 2015, without glasses again!”
Javier Arriola, Spain

After Only Three Weeks:
“I’ve started the third week of the Program and am enjoying every aspect of it!

“My vision is undoubtedly clearer than two weeks ago.

“I’ve stopped wearing the contacts I had become so dependent on; they would be too strong for me now in any case!

“I carry an old weaker pair of glasses with me for use if needed, which is not very often.

“The activities are easy to follow & enjoyable. I’ve learned more about my eyes & my vision in two weeks than ever before.

“I feel as if I trust my eyes to see what they can, without worrying about what they can’t. I’ll keep letting you know how things progress in the coming weeks.”

David Callard, Surrey, Great Britain

Our What Doctors Say about the Program for Better Vision

The Program for Better Vision not only can help improve one’s eye sight, but by helping you understand the connection between how you perceive the world and your visual condition it will make significant changes in your life for the better.”

Marc Grossman, O.D. L.Ac.,
author of Magic Eye: Beyond 3D, Greater Vision,
and Natural Eye Care: An Encyclopedia

The Program for Better Vision is the most comprehensive, progressive and effective I have seen. There is no question that the body/eye relaxation and visualization techniques you use will help improve vision. I plan to recommend your Program to my patients.”

Dr. Dale Freeberg, O.D., F.A.A.O.
Los Angeles CA

“For a number of years I have been teaching…Relearning to SeeSecrets to Perfect EyesightThe Bates Method. Recently I came across your Program for Better Visionand I have decided to teach this program as it is the simplest and easiest program for eye care I have come across. I congratulate you for the simplicity of the program, and the ease that my people will be able to recover their perfect vision.”

Dr. Chris Morgan
The Anti-Aging Doctor
Goderich, Ontario, Canada

“There are but few informed, courageous and qualified leaders concerned with those persons seeking to improve their vision. I believe that the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision offers realistic alternatives to glasses and deteriorating vision.”

Dr. Leslie H. Salov, Director,
The Vision & Health Center, Whitewater WI

“The relaxation and visualization techniques [of The Program] enhance the physical flexibility exercises and lead to re-learning how to use the eyes the way that they were meant to be used. I am going to recommend you to several patients.”

Dr. Marcel Gingras, optometrist
Montreal Quebec
“We would again like to express our appreciation for the Cambridge Institute’s continued efforts toward educating the American public’s understanding of the care and enhancement of their vision. It is a real pleasure when your organization refers a patient to us.”
Dr. O. Reynolds Young, F.A.A.O., F.I.O.S., F.C.O.V.D.
Dallas TX
“I was very impressed with your home-study audiotape system, The Program for Better Vision and also with What They Never Told You About Your Eyes. Once patients see the improvements they make with your Program, many are motivated to continue working with a Doctor who is certified in Vision Therapy.”
Dr. Stanley A. Applebaum, F.C.O.V.D.
Bethesda MD
“In the last 15 years, I have examined many patients who have used the Cambridge Institute’s Program for Better Vision. For any person interested in improving their vision, this Program is a must to try.”
Dr. Richard Kavner, F.A.A.O.
New York City NY
“I have personally used The Program for Better Vision with a number of my vision therapy patients, as an adjunct to the usual in-office vision rehabilitation we provide. Furthermore, the OTT-Lite has allowed sharper, higher contrast eyesight for my low vision patients when used in combination with the low vision devices I prescribe.
“I would like to recommend to my colleagues the fine eye care products offered by the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision. Customer Service is superior and I know you will also be pleased with the items offered in the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision catalog.”
Dr. Errol Rummel, O.D., F.A.A.O., F.C.O.V.D.
Jackson NJ

Order the Program for Better Vision today!

You will receive: Six vision sessions (Mp3 downloads), an 80 page program guide, an 8-week training schedule, a fusion string and eye charts.

Complete product details below.

Is The Program Right for You?

People with all kinds of visual conditions, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, middle-aged sight loss or presbyopia, astigmatism, sensitivity to light, and eyestrain, have been helped by using The Program for Better Vision. The Program has been successfully used by people from ages 8 to 90. Your age or the strength of your current prescription will not limit your ability to improve your vision.

The Program for Better Vision is not the first thing to do for medical problems such as macular degeneration or cataracts. The first step to take is re-nourishment of the eyes with a powerful nutritional formula. Click here for what we recommend.
As you are re-nourishing your eyes use of The Program for Better Vision will help to increase the blood flow, circulation and oxygen supply to the visual system, further enhancing the value of the nutrients and helping to restore visual relaxation and balance.


Can I use The Program for Better Vision if…I’m nearsighted or farsighted? I have middle-aged sight? I have astigmatism? I’m sensitive to light? I suffer from eyestrain? I’m young? I’m old?
People with all these visual conditions have been helped by using The Program for Better Vision. In fact, The Program is being used successfully by people from ages 8 to 90. Your age or the strength of your current glasses will not limit you - you can train yourself to have better vision.

The Program for Better Vision is an educational approach to vision improvement. You’ll learn how to develop the skills that are crucial to clear eyesight - Accommodation/Focusing, Binocularity/Convergence, Peripheral Awareness and Mental Concentration.

The Program gives you a truly holistic approach. You’ll improve by using the power of your mind as well as effective physical techniques and vision exercises. Your vision will become as clear and as sharp as it can possibly be.

The Program for Better Vision is not the first thing to do for medical problems such as macular degeneration or cataracts. The first step to take is re-nourishment of the eyes with a powerful nutritional formula. Click for what we recommend. As you are re-nourishing your eyes use of The Program for Better Vision will help to increase the blood flow, circulation and oxygen supply to the visual system, further enhancing the value of the nutrients.

My doctor says eye exercises don’t work. What should I do?

Natural vision improvement is a hotly debated topic.

Ask most eye doctors about it, and they’ll tell you there’s no proof that it works.
However, what they won’t tell you is that there is no proof that it doesn’t work, either.
That’s why we put The Program for Better Vision to the test before we released it.

Click here if you want to know the results of that study.
There hasn’t been enough research to prove either side - one way or the other.
However, to say that there hasn’t been enough research doesn’t mean that there hasn’t been any.

Here are just two examples:
1. In 1941, the U.S. Navy gave vision training to its pilots so they would recognize enemy aircraft sooner. It was discovered that the training also made the pilots’ vision sharper.

2. In 1958, Charles Kelley’s research demonstrated conclusively that practice of certain techniques improved eyesight. His research appeared in optometric journals as well as mainstream media, including The New York Times.

Natural vision improvement research has continued since then.
You’d think that all the research that exists would encourage further research, but that hasn’t been the case.

Instead, most eye doctors and research are more interested in studying surgery and drugs.

The sad truth is that you’ll go blind waiting for the research to catch up to the facts.
And the facts are that every single day people around the world are putting the power of vision improvement to work for their own eyes - and getting results.

Click here to see what happens to people who were nearsighted or had astigmatism.
Click here to see what happens to people who needed reading glasses.
Click here to see what happens to people who had cataracts, Macular Degeneration and glaucoma.

It’s no secret that more and more people are getting worse and worse vision every year and that children are being fitted with their first pair of glasses at a younger and younger age.

Researchers definitely agree that the problem is getting worse.
Perhaps, one day they’ll put as much effort into studying the solutions as they have put into studying the problem.

Vision therapy for refractive errors, such as myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia or astigmatism is not taught in optometry schools. One has to look to the alternative, natural, self-help arena for that kind of help. Which is what you are doing right now.
It’s time to take the health of your eyes into your own hands.

Because if you wait until your doctor says it’s OK, it may be too late.
You’ve come to the right place for help because he Cambridge Institute for Better Vision is the original natural eye care company with the latest, leading edge solutions.

Order the Program for Better Vision today!

You will receive: Six vision sessions (Mp3 downloads), an 80 page program guide, an 8-week training schedule, a fusion string and eye charts.

Complete product details below.



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TESTIMONIALS: All testimonials are by real people, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. User experiences and testimonials on this site reflect their individual experience.

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