Take back your eyesight.


   Thousands of people are

seeing better today.

 without lenses, drugs, or surgery.


Become one of them.

Improve your eyesight with the Program for Better Vision

Everyone knows that exercise and relaxation are an important part of keeping their hearts healthy and their muscles strong. However, not everyone is aware that exercise and relaxation can benefit their eyes as well.

The Program for Better Vision is an audio course that will help you develop your natural ability to see.

The eye exercises and other techniques in the Program can help you train your eyes to focus better and more easily on objects and reduce eye strain.

How the Program Works

The Program for Better Vision was expertly designed to walk you through a schedule of daily practices to improve your eyesight, without glasses, contacts, drugs, or surgery.

In 20 minutes a day you will create new visual habits and enhance brain-eye coordination to help each part of your eye function correctly.

You’ll learn exercises and other techniques to help you develop critical visual skills such as accommodation, convergence, binocularity, peripheral awareness and brain/eye coordination.

A holistic approach

The Program also focuses on the connection between the eyes, body, mind, and emotion, using an integrated understanding of health to set you on your path to better vision.

Our holistic model of vision includes three components. Physical eyesight, which is the easiest to measure, though it involves more than just 20/20 vision. Inner vision, which is the Mind’s Eye in all its different aspects: imagination, visualization, memory, dreams, and attitudes. Emotional seeing, which speaks about our recognition of the eyes as both a way to express how we feel and a way to connect to other people.



Isn’t bad eyesight caused by the shape of the eye?

Sure, that’s one common belief, but in fact it’s a misconception. This limited view of vision says that if the eye is too long it causes nearsightedness; if it’s too short it causes farsightedness; and if it’s distorted, that causes astigmatism.

 But the shape of the eye is only one element of the entire visual system, and is not the only one that determines how clearly you see. Besides, has anyone asked how the eye becomes the wrong shape? The main thing to understand is that the shape and function of the eyes aren’t frozen. 
If you were told that exercises and training could change the shape of your nose, that would be nonsense. But if you were told that it’s possible to change your waistline, that makes sense. Your eyes are more like your waistline than your nose!

“I have looked over and purchased several different programs and yours is by far the best, most knowledgeable and most comprehensive.”

–Marianne Carduner, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

The Program for Better Vision
–Marianne Carduner, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

“Before I started The Program, I wore my glasses 14-15 hours every single day. I passed my driver’s test without them only five weeks after starting The Program. Now, I never need glasses at all. I feel much more confident and free. It’s a great Program!”

–Donna Sanders, Havre, MT

The Program for Better Vision
–Donna Sanders, Havre, MT

“I now know the muscles of my eyes as well as the fingers of my hand. I am 85 years old and can focus very well and read for a long time without fatigue. Using The Program for Better Vision, I am recovered from amblyopia and astigmatism.”

–Aldo Mortera, Boulogne, France

The Program for Better Vision
–Aldo Mortera, Boulogne, France

“Since completing The Program, I enjoy much more color, depth perception, and delineation of patterns. I just finished my first book without glasses and without undue effort. I read on a sun deck outside – my family was very impressed.”

–Mardelle McClure, Lake Jackson, TX

The Program for Better Vision
–Mardelle McClure, Lake Jackson, TX

“The relaxation and visualization techniques [of The Program] enhance the physical flexibility exercises and lead to re-learning how to use the eyes the way that they were meant to be used. I am going to recommend you to my patients.”

–Dr. Marcel Gingras, Optometrist, Montreal Quebec

The Program for Better Vision
–Dr. Marcel Gingras, Optometrist, Montreal Quebec

“In the last 15 years, I have examined many patients who have used the Cambridge Institute’s Program for Better Vision. For any person interested in improving their vision, this Program is a must to try.”

–Dr. Richard Kavner, F.A.A.O., New York City, NY

The Program for Better Vision
–Dr. Richard Kavner, F.A.A.O., New York City, NY
The Program for Better Vision

I am the target text.

To order the Program for Better Vision, choose the option below that is best for you.

You will receive: Six vision sessions on 2 audio CDs or as Mp3 downloads, 80 page program guide, 8-week training schedule and eye charts.

Try The Program for Better Vision, RISK-FREE, for 30 days.

Pay only shipping now; you will be charged the regular price of $39.95 after the 30-day free trial.

If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, notify us within 30 days and you won’t be charged. Notify us within 90 days to receive a refund.

 If you prefer a hard copy, click below to have the Program for Better Vision mailed to you and you will be charged $44.95 after the 30-day free trial ends.

Is The Program Right for You?

People with all kinds of visual conditions, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, middle-aged sight loss or presbyopia, astigmatism, sensitivity to light, and eyestrain, have been helped by using The Program for Better Vision. The Program has been successfully used by people from ages 8 to 90. Your age or the strength of your current prescription will not limit your ability to improve your vision.

The Program for Better Vision is not the first thing to do for medical problems such as macular degeneration or cataracts. The first step to take is re-nourishment of the eyes with a powerful nutritional formula. Click here for what we recommend.
As you are re-nourishing your eyes use of The Program for Better Vision will help to increase the blood flow, circulation and oxygen supply to the visual system, further enhancing the value of the nutrients and helping to restore visual relaxation and balance.

Program Development

The Program for Better Vision was developed by Martin Sussman, founder of the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision. Mr. Sussman improved his own eyesight using a medley of techniques ranging from personal growth and inner awakening to technical eye exercise and relaxation practices. Mr. Sussman went on to to teach what he had successfully applied in to his own vision improvement.  He worked one on one with individuals and led workshops across the US, in CA, and the UK.  After 10 years of teaching, he distilled the techniques that he had seen to be most effective into the Program for Better Vision so that people all over the world could use it in the comfort of their own homes.

We are proud to offer you a Program that has made a difference for so many people, not only in the way they see, but in the way they experience themselves and the world around them.

We wish you the best of luck and are here to support you on your path to Better Vision!



See recommended treatments for various vision conditions.


Find out why Behavioral Optometrists are so important for the health of your eyes.

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TESTIMONIALS: All testimonials are by real people, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. User experiences and testimonials on this site reflect their individual experience.

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