Want to improve your near vision naturally,
without reading glasses, bifocals or surgery?

Try this optometrist-developed method. Getting older doesn’t have to mean losing your ability to see up close.

The Read Without Glasses Method
Read Without Glasses Method: DVD HARD COPY

Read Without Glasses Method: DVD HARD COPY


Instructional DVD w/2 Special Eye-Training Charts. Free email and phone Support.

Full Description

The Read Without Glasses Method shows you an amazingly effective way to sharpen your near vision without depending on reading glasses. The Read Without Glasses Method is a two-part process that you learn by watching the DVD. It takes as little as six minutes a day to use and can be easily incorporated into your daily life. Developed by Dr. Ray Gottlieb, an eye doctor with more than 30 years experience, the Read Without Glasses Method is based on scientific principles about vision that have been widely accepted for over 100 years.

SKU: 221


The Read Without Glasses Method is a safe, natural, and effective approach that is directly targeted to reverse middle age sight (known medically as presbyopia). In as little as 6 minutes a day The Read Without Glasses Method can help you:

  • Sharpen your close up vision
  • Prevent or reduce dependency on reading glasses or bifocals.
  • Improve your ability to see in dim light

Whether you’re just starting to notice a problem, or you’ve been using reading glasses or bifocals for years, you can benefit from The Read Without Glasses Method, and it’s easy to use.

The DVD teaches you  everything you need to know. Your practice can be done in as little as six minutes a day. The charts in The Read Without Glasses Method are different than any you’ve likely seen before: they are not used to test your vision but rather to improve it.

Sharpen your close up vision with this unique method developed by Dr. Ray Gottlieb and produced by Martin Sussman.




The Read without Glasses Method

“Optometrist Recommended”

The Read Without Glasses Method is a very effective approach for reducing the need for bifocals and reading glasses. The exercises are easy to do and require less than 10 minutes per day of practice. You will experience more relaxation in your eyes and better focusing power. – Dr. Sam Berne, OD, FCOVD


Better Vision
“Optometrist Recommended”The Read Without Glasses Method is a very effective approach for reducing the need for bifocals and reading glasses. The exercises are easy to do and require less than 10 minutes per day of practice. You will experience more relaxation in your eyes and better focusing power. – Dr. Sam Berne, OD, FCOVD[su_button url="https://bettervision.com/more-testimonials/" target="blank" style="glass" background="#544f8c" size="5" radius="10" icon="icon: chevron-right"]MORE TESTIMONIALS[/su_button]


The Read without Glasses Method

“Optometrist Recommended”

Patients who are diligent in working at it are very pleased with their less reliance on their reading glasses. I tell most of my patients about it. – Dr. Todd Wylie, Spokane, WA


Better Vision
“Optometrist Recommended”Patients who are diligent in working at it are very pleased with their less reliance on their reading glasses. I tell most of my patients about it. – Dr. Todd Wylie, Spokane, WA[su_button url="https://bettervision.com/more-testimonials/" target="blank" style="glass" background="#544f8c" size="5" radius="10" icon="icon: chevron-right"]MORE TESTIMONIALS[/su_button]


The Read without Glasses Method

“It's The Real Deal!”

The Read Without Glasses Method is the real deal. I'm 54 years old and for the past few years, small print has been getting difficult to read.
After a few weeks of trying The Read Without Glasses Method, I actually felt my eyes unlock (yes, I felt a tickle, something flexed in my eyes), and I was reading small print much better with no glasses. Now, it's months later and I'm seeing even better - the finer print is fairly easy to read without glasses. I've given your website to engineers at Boeing. Thanks for a wonderful product. – Steve Enzukewich, WA


Better Vision
“It's The Real Deal!”The Read Without Glasses Method is the real deal. I'm 54 years old and for the past few years, small print has been getting difficult to read.After a few weeks of trying The Read Without Glasses Method, I actually felt my eyes unlock (yes, I felt a tickle, something flexed in my eyes), and I was reading small print much better with no glasses. Now, it's months later and I'm seeing even better - the finer print is fairly easy to read without glasses. I've given your website to engineers at Boeing. Thanks for a wonderful product. – Steve Enzukewich, WA[su_button url="https://bettervision.com/more-testimonials/" target="blank" style="glass" background="#544f8c" size="5" radius="10" icon="icon: chevron-right"]MORE TESTIMONIALS[/su_button]


The Read without Glasses Method

“I can see the tiniest print!”

I can sometimes read the tiniest print at the bottom of the chart. I am writing this message without my glasses! I had been wearing glasses for reading since I was 48 - I'm now 62. – David Cornberg, Ph.D.


Better Vision
“I can see the tiniest print!”I can sometimes read the tiniest print at the bottom of the chart. I am writing this message without my glasses! I had been wearing glasses for reading since I was 48 - I'm now 62. – David Cornberg, Ph.D.[su_button url="https://bettervision.com/more-testimonials/" target="blank" style="glass" background="#544f8c" size="5" radius="10" icon="icon: chevron-right"]MORE TESTIMONIALS[/su_button]

Year After Year, Surprises Eye Doctor

The Read without Glasses Method

“Year after year, I surprises my eye doctor!”

When I'm in my optometrist's office waiting for my yearly eye check up I do the method. I love to hear the amazement in the eye doctor's voice that I still don't need bifocal contact lenses 15 years after he first told me I would. – Judy S., Lafayette, IN

Better Vision
“Year after year, I surprises my eye doctor!”When I'm in my optometrist's office waiting for my yearly eye check up I do the method. I love to hear the amazement in the eye doctor's voice that I still don't need bifocal contact lenses 15 years after he first told me I would. – Judy S., Lafayette, IN


The Read without Glasses Method

“...the most comprehensive and effective system...”

I have found the Read Without Glasses Method the most comprehensive and effective system to help my patients overcome presbyopia (the over-40 syndrome). – Dr. Marc Grossman, O.D., LAc, Author, Magic Eye: Beyond 3D


Better Vision
“...the most comprehensive and effective system...”I have found the Read Without Glasses Method the most comprehensive and effective system to help my patients overcome presbyopia (the over-40 syndrome). – Dr. Marc Grossman, O.D., LAc, Author, Magic Eye: Beyond 3D[su_button url="https://bettervision.com/more-testimonials/" " style="glass" background="#544f8c" size="5" radius="10" icon="icon: chevron-right"]MORE TESTIMONIALS[/su_button]


The Read without Glasses Method

“Doctor Recommended... I've done it and it works!”

The Read Without Glasses Method combines the best of optometric vision therapy and natural vision exercises to create a simple and effective way to sharpen your vision! – Dr. Jacob Liberman, Author, Light: Medicine of the Future


Better Vision
“Doctor Recommended... I've done it and it works!”The Read Without Glasses Method combines the best of optometric vision therapy and natural vision exercises to create a simple and effective way to sharpen your vision! – Dr. Jacob Liberman, Author, Light: Medicine of the Future[su_button url="https://bettervision.com/more-testimonials/" " style="glass" background="#544f8c" size="5" radius="10" icon="icon: chevron-right"]MORE TESTIMONIALS[/su_button]
Better Vision

*The testimonials on our website reflect the real life improvements experienced by some of our customers. We do not claimthat these results are typical.
Vision improvement is very personal and you may experience different results.


There may be more than one product that could help your vision condition. Please see the VISION CONDITIONS for more information about vision and recommendations about which product to use.



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See recommended treatments for various vision conditions.


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TESTIMONIALS: All testimonials are by real people, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. User experiences and testimonials on this site reflect their individual experience.

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