Another Success With The Read Without Glasses Method
Every few days we hear from another person who is getting better vision without glasses.
Some people just had problems with their close up vision and are now getting rid of their reading glasses.
That’s why we wanted to share the experience that Ms. Lewis has had - improving BOTH her near vision and her distant vision, dramatically reducing her need for bifocals.
Her Experience
“With the Read Without Glasses Method I went from 20/200 to 20/50 on my near vision. I am 54 years old and have used your Advanced Program for Better Vision and have gone from 20/80 to 20/40 in distant vision. - Becky Lewis , Mena AZ
What’s Yours?
Don’t get me wrong - not everybody who gets better vision rushes to send me an email. Maybe they’re too busy. Maybe they take their improvement for granted. Or maybe they don’t realize what a difference their good results might make to someone sitting on the fence about trying the Read Without Glasses Method.
Well, if you’re a secret fan of the Method, We would like to hear your experience. Reply and tell us.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
All the best in sight,
-Cambridge Institute for Better Vision
P.S Got a question we might answer in a future newsletter? Click here.