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Bringing you the best safe and effective solutions to care for and improve your vision, without glasses, contacts, medication, or surgery.

Contact us: (978) 801-1850



Our Values



We are committed to offering only the highest quality products and information available, all of which we can guarantee to be safe for your eyes and have the potential to be highly effective if used as recommended. 


Unlike the solutions that glasses, contacts, or surgery provide, our approach addresses the underlying causes of vision problems. This often brings about healing on the physical level but can also lead to deeper emotional or spiritual healing.


We believe in the importance of informed decision-making and do our best to provide educational information about alternative vision care options so that you can make the wisest choices in caring for your eyes.


At Better Vision, we are and have been committed to empowering you to take charge of your own vision for over 3 decades. We know that a greater level of clarity is not only possible, but available for you and your vision, and we want you to have that clarity.


In our holistic approach, we recognize the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of ourselves that affect our vision. We believe that the best vision care integrates nourishment, exercise, relaxation, attitude and internal change.


We are committed to helping you transform the way you think about, care for, and experience your vision. We hope to contribute to a large-scale shift in consciousness about vision care, similar to the shifts that took place about smoking, diet, and exercise.

More about Better Vision

About Better Vision's Founder
I know from personal experience that you can surprise yourself – and your eye doctor – when you do some very simple things to take charge of your own vision.”

~ Martin Sussman, Founder, 1951-2013

martin-sussmanMartin Sussman founded the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision in 1985 when he adapted the processes in the EYECLASSES Seminar, a three-day vision seminar he co-developed with Tom Boyer into a program that people could use at home, The Program for Better Vision. During these seminars, participants were led through a powerful holistic exploration of their vision and then taught effective methods for vision improvement. The EYECLASSES Seminar was offered across North America and Europe and throughout the following years Mr. Sussman conducted more than 500 lectures, workshops, and seminars.

Martin also developed and co-developed a series of vision improvement programs, books, and audio events including The Read Without Glasses Method (co-developed with Ray Gottlieb) and Total Health at the Computer (co-developed with Dr. Ernest Loewenstein and Howard Sann). He also audio-authored numerous audio programs, including The Advanced Program for Better Vision series.

Called “an expert” by CNN News and “a real pro” by NBC Today, Mr. Sussman appeared on radio and TV over 50 times. His appearance on CNN made “broadcast history”: It was the first instance that a segment from “News from the World of Medicine” was re-broadcast.

Mr. Sussman, was not an optometrist or an ophthalmologist but a natural vision care expert. He went beyond the medical and mechanical models of vision, believing instead that vision is profoundly affected by the mind, body, emotions and spirit. Along the way, Martin improved his own vision and was powerfully transformed by the experience. He dedicated his life to helping others reach self-empowerment and clarity through holistic vision improvement.

A Message from Martin Sussman
“Whatever the particular problems are that you have, you can find natural, safe and effective solutions and see better than you do today.

I first became interested in improving my vision at 13 when my father gave me the book, Better Eyesight Without Glasses by Dr. William Bates. I had already been wearing glasses since I was nine and didn’t like them, so I was willing to give it a try. My first experiment with better vision didn’t last very long. I gave up on the exercises from the book and I was soon back to getting stronger and stronger glasses.

When I was 26, I was ready to begin a more in-depth exploration of my vision. A major turning point came when I was Palming, trying to relax my eyes. I had done this exercise many times before with no apparent immediate success, but this time was different.

Before I took my hands from my eyes, I suddenly felt and knew - with complete inner certainty - that I could see. When I opened my eyes, everything was clear. I really could see! This spell, or flash, of completely clear vision lasted for nearly 3 minutes. Though it faded and my old way of seeing at that time returned, this experience showed me that there was nothing wrong with my eyes. I just needed to re-awaken my ability to see and allow it to re-emerge. I continued to explore ways to encourage this re-awakening and I continued to see better and better. Regaining my own vision and sharing what I learned with others became my inspiration and joy.”


Timeline of the history of the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision
  • 1976: The Eyeclasses Vision Seminar is offered for the first time (in Amherst, MA).
  • 1976 – 1988: Word of mouth spreads; Eyeclasses grows. For twelve years the seminar is offered on a regular basis throughout North America in 24 different cities – often more than 20 times a year.
  • 1985: The home-study Program for Better Vision audiotape series is developed by Martin Sussman. A “do-it-yourself” distillation of the principles and techniques in Eyeclasses. Now there are over 80,000 users throughout the world.
  • 1988: The Program for Better Vision is translated into French and is distributed throughout French-speaking Canada.
  • 1989: The Advanced Better Vision Tape Set is released – a series of 6 audiotapes offering advanced vision techniques and exercises.
  • 1990: Natural Vision Care expands with the publication of the first Better Vision Catalog, containing more than 20 items, including alternative books, natural lighting, vitamins and other products.
  • 1993: Total Health at the Computer, written by Martin Sussman and Dr. Ernest Loewenstein with Howard Sann, is published by Station Hill Press. National TV and radio tour follows.
  • 1994: Total Health at the Computer is translated into German.
  • 1995: Pacific Rim Associate Office opened by the Cambridge Institute for residents of Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and China.
  • 1996: The Program for Better Vision book is published. Almost immediately, the Book-of-the-Month Club picks it up. The book is translated into Chinese.
  • 2003: Embracing online demand, the 10 Keys to Better Vision digital e-book is released.
  • 2004: The Program for Better Vision, is released in digital e-book format. The website is launched to support distribution of the Program.


Eyemax-Plus small bottle and testimonial

“I am having a wonderful experience with Eyemax-plus. I have been taking it for about 2 weeks. I am seeing better. My cataracts are no longer cloudy... My night driving has improved, I can see better..."

 – Deborah Davis


“I am having a wonderful experience with Eyemax-plus. I have been taking it for about 2 weeks. I am seeing better. My cataracts are no longer cloudy... My night driving has improved, I can see better..."  – Deborah Davis   [su_button url="" " style="glass" background="#544f8c" size="5" radius="10" icon="icon: chevron-right"]MORE TESTIMONIALS[/su_button]


The Read without Glasses Method

“...the most comprehensive and effective system...”

I have found the Read Without Glasses Method the most comprehensive and effective system to help my patients overcome presbyopia (the over-40 syndrome). – Dr. Marc Grossman, O.D., LAc, Author, Magic Eye: Beyond 3D


“...the most comprehensive and effective system...”I have found the Read Without Glasses Method the most comprehensive and effective system to help my patients overcome presbyopia (the over-40 syndrome). – Dr. Marc Grossman, O.D., LAc, Author, Magic Eye: Beyond 3D[su_button url="" " style="glass" background="#544f8c" size="5" radius="10" icon="icon: chevron-right"]MORE TESTIMONIALS[/su_button]


The Read without Glasses Method

“Doctor Recommended... I've done it and it works!”

The Read Without Glasses Method combines the best of optometric vision therapy and natural vision exercises to create a simple and effective way to sharpen your vision! – Dr. Jacob Liberman, Author, Light: Medicine of the Future


“Doctor Recommended... I've done it and it works!”The Read Without Glasses Method combines the best of optometric vision therapy and natural vision exercises to create a simple and effective way to sharpen your vision! – Dr. Jacob Liberman, Author, Light: Medicine of the Future[su_button url="" " style="glass" background="#544f8c" size="5" radius="10" icon="icon: chevron-right"]MORE TESTIMONIALS[/su_button]

Customer Testimonials

"I started wearing glasses when I was 7 or 8 years old and my vision kept deteriorating until I was very nearsighted and wearing coke-bottle glasses. (My prescription was -6.00.) Eye doctors had given up on my vision. One year ago I started using The Program for Better Vision and now I have flashes of perfectly clear vision at times! My current vision without eyeglasses is consistently 20/60 or better. My eye doctor is absolutely astonished and amazed at my improvement. All the exercises have been helpful, particularly the affirmations, and I know I can have absolutely perfect eyesight very soon."

–Frances Sgarlatti, Edgewater, CO

"I started wearing glasses when I was 7 or 8 years old and my vision kept deteriorating until I was very nearsighted and wearing coke-bottle glasses. (My prescription was -6.00.) Eye doctors had given up on my vision. One year ago I started using The Program for Better Vision and now I have flashes of perfectly clear vision at times! My current vision without eyeglasses is consistently 20/60 or better. My eye doctor is absolutely astonished and amazed at my improvement. All the exercises have been helpful, particularly the affirmations, and I know I can have absolutely perfect eyesight very soon." –Frances Sgarlatti, Edgewater, CO


Eyemax-Plus small bottle and testimonial

“I am grateful for EyeMax-plus. After the first month, I was seeing much better and have continued to take them.”

I am now reading without my glasses except when watching television while in bed. I bought more and gave them to my son. – Maurita

“I am grateful for EyeMax-plus. After the first month, I was seeing much better and have continued to take them.” I am now reading without my glasses except when watching television while in bed. I bought more and gave them to my son. – Maurita [su_button url="" " style="glass" background="#544f8c" size="5" radius="10" icon="icon: chevron-right"]MORE TESTIMONIALS[/su_button]

“The relaxation and visualization techniques [of The Program] enhance the physical flexibility exercises and lead to re-learning how to use the eyes the way that they were meant to be used. I am going to recommend you to my patients.”

–Dr. Marcel Gingras, Optometrist, Montreal Quebec

–Dr. Marcel Gingras, Optometrist, Montreal Quebec


Eyemax-Plus small bottle and testimonial

Not only is your Eyemax-plus great for the eyes...

...but I recommend it to others as one of the BEST Multi-Vitamins on the market today. You can depend on me for ordering it repeatedly because I know I can depend on EYEMAX-PLUS. Thank you for this product! –Sara M.Simmons

Not only is your Eyemax-plus great for the eyes... ...but I recommend it to others as one of the BEST Multi-Vitamins on the market today. You can depend on me for ordering it repeatedly because I know I can depend on EYEMAX-PLUS. Thank you for this product! –Sara M.Simmons [su_button url="" " style="glass" background="#544f8c" size="5" radius="10" icon="icon: chevron-right"]MORE TESTIMONIALS[/su_button]



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TESTIMONIALS: All testimonials are by real people, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. User experiences and testimonials on this site reflect their individual experience.

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